Tuesday, March 25, 2008

GSMA 2008

Features direct from GSMA 2008, Barcelona:

WMC Snapshot  Day 1 - In many respects the biggest news in the Symbian world from day 1 of WMC had nothing to do with Symbian OS. But, it was all part of the circus which descends on Barcelona each February.

WMC Snapshot Day 2 One of the problems with predictions is that, unless you are plain lucky, whatever you say can come back to haunt you. Symbian's Q4 results did that for me at day 2 at WMC.

WMC Snapshot - Day 3 While the flow of press announcements has started to slow down here at WMC, the overall pace of the show has not. In fact it seems as through the number of visitors has grown each day. My pick from the day 3 is a new to Symbian application from LogMeOn.

WMC Snapshot Day 4 Having made much of how busy WMC was on the first three days, day four was quite a contrast. : clearly fewer visitors and many booths looking positively empty. By 3pm loudest noise in the Fira was the rumble of a thousand luggage trundlers.


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